Pre-employment Health Checkup Benefits in UAE
Pre employment health checkup significantly benefits not only the employee but also the organization at large.

Designing an efficient recruiting process in the organization is a vital aspect for the organization's success. It is well-known that a healthy workforce is the foundation for the success of any business. This is the reason why companies prominently plan an extensively designed medical checkup for employee.
Conventionally, recruitment was done based on the qualification, experience and talent of an individual; but with an increasing workload, it has become essential for an employee to be healthy and fit. If you intend to plan pre-employment health checkup for your company, go through the top benefits of this service.
Pre-employment Health Checkup Benefits
Reduced Cost for Medical Reimbursement
Medical treatment is becoming expensive with every passing day accompanied with employee health which is a matter of prime concern for an employer. Hence, rather than offering employees with costly reimbursements for their frequent hospitalization and also bearing the loss of their regular absenteeism, it is better to assess their health during the recruitment process.
Reduced Downtime
If you plan to hire employees who are physically fit and in good health, it is possible to reduce the overall downtime to a great extent. It is because healthy employees are expected to reap high productivity in less time period.
Compilation of Health Record
With comprehensive pre-employment health checkups you can establish a strong foundation of maintaining the updated medical record of an employee. Such type of screening helps in identifying existing medical conditions and their trends and also gives an insight on all types of contagious and lifestyle ailments which otherwise lead to adverse effects to the overall work culture. Employees pre-screened for their health are less likely to be involved in workplace accidents.
Offering a Job Role as per the Employee's Health Status
If your organization needs a specialized workforce and employees that are in best of their health, then pre-screening health checkups can help you identify whether an employee is physically fit for the job or not. For all sorts of specialized tasks, an employee requires a high level of fitness. Hence, in such situations, initiating an employee checkup before hiring is imperative. In the recent times, many companies have introduced specialized pre-employment health checkups in their recruitment process which has boosted their business profits.
After selecting the right candidates, companies continue the health initiative with the help of executive health checkups which ensures detection of health conditions on time and thus avoid unforeseen health conditions or accidents at workplace due to them.
Pre-employment health checkup service in UAE is ideal for screening the health status of employees before hiring. Remember a healthy employee means less absenteeism and low absenteeism means high productivity which eventually results in high profits. Fill the query form below to know more about the corporate health checkup packages.