How can UAE Companies be benefited from Corporate Wellness Programs?
Corporate wellness programs have started gaining prominence nowadays. Out of various regions across the world, In UAE, the awareness about corporate wellness benefits is growing rapidly among companies and employees.

Corporate programs bring manifold benefits to employees as well as employers. Such programs help employees to stay healthy. On the other hand, employers are benefited by avoiding problems resulting from employees' ill health. Corporate health checkup plans ensure that an employee is screened for all kinds of ailments. Thus an early detection of ailments becomes possible. These plans can help employees stay productive at work, reduce absenteeism and provide them with mental well-being and physical fitness as well.
In UAE, the concept of introducing corporate wellness programs in the industry is still in its initial growing stage. A recent survey confirms the importance of having a corporate wellness program in place.
- Around 56% of employees in the UAE confirmed that they are overweight.
- A WHO study, revealed that cardiovascular disease was the most common health disease.
- In UAE, the commonest reason for male infertility is poor sperm quality. Approximately, one out of four suffers from this condition.
- In UAE, high obesity levels have been associated with diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, kidney failure, etc.
- Cancer is the leading cause of deaths in women; this is followed by heart diseases.
- Almost, 64% have introduced active measures in their lifestyle to reduce excess weight.
Pre-employment health checkup is also gaining popularity as it offers a chance to the company to recruit only physically and mentally fit candidates suitable to specific jobs.
Another research conducted by Richard Milani and Dr. Carl Lavie states that bringing corporate health checkup in UAE can be beneficial more for the organizations than for the employee.
Numerous prestigious healthcare organizations, like Johnson and Johnson, initiated their corporate wellness plan in 1955. As a result, the company has employees that are free from hypertension, obesity, heart problems, and other sedentary diseases. This has saved them a huge sum of money, which would have otherwise been spent on employees' medical reimbursements and employee absenteeism due to ill health.
How to Introduce Corporate Health Checkup in Your Organization
- Companies can create a positive impact at the workplace by offering onsite workshops, wellness counseling sessions, and routine preventive health checkups for their employees. Also, introducing onsite exercising on a routine basis is an excellent way for the employee lifestyle improvement.
- Think about offering your employees an exercise ball that can keep their nervous system activated, or offer them with equipment that can relieve stress on their workstations.
- Organizations can come up with encouraging and interesting things to motivate their employees for participation in such programs. Offering prize to the fittest employee is one such way.
Corporate health & wellness programs bring amazing benefits to companies. If you want to improve the productivity and achieve targets faster, it is necessary to have a strong foundation in form of healthy workforce which can be achieved through corporate wellness. Such health initiatives help in improving productivity, strengthening the employee-employer bond and retaining your valuable staff.
Be one of the pioneers in corporate wellness in UAE by improving efficiency and happiness quotient in your company. To know more about various corporate health checkup packages of Indus Health Plus, fill up the query form and our wellness experts will get back to you.