ISO 9001: 2015 Certified
Multiple myeloma, also known as myeloma, is a type of cancer that develops in plasma cells (type of white blood cells).
Plasma cells are an essential part of our bodys immune system that fight against infections by generating antibodies which spot and attack the harmful germs. Plasma cells are generated in the bone marrow and in multiple myeloma, the cancer cells start to accumulate instead of healthy cells. Such cancer cells crowd out the healthy blood cells and produce abnormal proteins instead of antibodies.
Multiple myeloma could advance severely to develop the following complications -
Multiple myeloma stages are determined based on the severity of the condition and are commonly categorized into 3 stages. Each of these stages is further divided into category A and B this is depending on kidney damage.
Stage 1: In this stage, there are fewer cancer cells in the body, and one might not show any warning signs. Multiple myeloma prognosis is considered severe even at this stage if the kidney is affected.
Stage 2: Cancer cells start to develop rigorously and symptoms begin to come out.
Stage 3: Many cancer cells overly develop in the body and it is severe.
Sometimes symptoms of myeloma are displayed only at the end stage. End stage multiple myeloma symptoms include
Generally, myeloma is not considered to be inherited or genetically carried, instead they are acquired in middle. The common risks of multiple myeloma are
Researches indicate that average multiple myeloma life expectancy is about 4 years, although exceptionally there are people who live even for 10-20 years with myeloma. However, this depends on the early diagnosis of the multiple myeloma condition. One can successfully overcome this issue with an early detection and treatment.
Researches have indicated that average multiple myeloma survival rate in patients living at least 5 years after the condition is about 49%. Yet again, this to an early is subject to an early diagnosis and effective treatment.
Myeloma cannot be completely cured, although with the advancements in the medical field symptoms and discomforts to the patients can be reduced to greater extent.
The objectives of multiple myeloma treatment are as follows: