ISO 9001: 2015 Certified
Heart Double Valve Replacement is a surgical procedure to replace mitral valve and aortic valve with artificial ones, or replacement of the whole left side of the heart.
There are 4 valves in the heart
The mitral valve and tricuspid valve control the blood flow from the atria to ventricles, whereas the aortic valve and pulmonary valve control the blood supply out from the ventricles.
Most common, heart valve repairs are required in aortic valve or mitral valve. A . double valve replacement is recommended, in cases of aortic and mitral valve malfunction.
The symptoms might not be clearly noticeable. In some people take time to gradually developed and could be easily ignored. Symptoms of heart valve disease include
Heart valve replacement is suggested in case one experiences the symptoms mentioned above to avoid further life threatening complications such as
Ignoring the symptoms or your heart specialists recommendations could cause fatal complications like heart attack or even a sudden death.
The surgery for a heart valve replacement is performed by 2 methods
A larger incision is made by the surgeon to expose the heart and see it clearly out. He then removes the damaged valves, replaces them with the artificial ones, and closes the chest.
In this method, the incision is smaller thereby ensuring less pain and faster recovery.
The risks can be avoided by a timely consultation with the best heart surgeon. Complications are largely dependent on age, personal and family history and other contributing factors like smoking, etc.
Possible risks could be
Regardless of the uncommon risks, heart valve replacement success rate is over 90%. The replaced artificial valves, depending on their made mechanical, biological, or tissue-engineered, they are capable to function without any complications for about 20-25 years. This also requires your commitment for a healthy lifestyle and proper follow up with your heart surgeon.
For the best effective heart valve replacement one should consult the best cardiac surgeon and get treated at the best hospital with state-of-the-art technologies. Get in touch with us to inquire and consult the most successful heart surgeons.
A complete recovery requires at least 4-8 weeks and one is required to strictly follow all the instructions by the doctor. Some important things to note are: