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Procedure for Blepharoplasty Eye Lid Surgery


Blepharoplasty surgery helps to reduce the bagginess from the lower eyelids and remove the excessive skin from the upper eyelids. It is an effective cosmetic surgery, which helps the patient to get rid of the droopy eyelid. This surgery also proves beneficial in improving the eyesight especially in older individuals who cannot see properly due to sagging of upper eyelids.

Causes of Droopy Eyelids -

  • Aging - Stretching of levator muscle, fatty deposits below the skin and wrinkles of the skin may lead to droopy eyelids.
  • Congenital droopy eyes - It may happen in newborn babies due to undeveloped levator muscle of the eye
  • Nerve disorders- Injury to brain or cranial nerve can cause ptosis i.e. drooping of eyelid, which gives nerve supply to eye muscles and eyelids muscles.

Other common reasons of nerve disorder

  1. Diabetes - Long-standing and heavy diabetes affects nervous system.
  2. Brain tumour
  3. Aneurysm
  4. Transient Ischemic attack - stroke
  5. Uncommon reason is Homer’s syndrome.

Muscle Disorder

Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder in which weakness of eyelid occurs; ptosis or a droopy eye is one of symptoms of this.

Progressive external ophthalmoplegia - mostly young people get affected with this disorder.

Myasthenia gravis is a rare condition. Drooping of eyes can be seen in this.

Eye Injury-

This is the most common cause of droopy eye. Accidents, assault may cause damage to nerves supplying to eye muscle and eyelid muscle.


This is very common condition in elderly people. Laxity of eyelid skin and muscle is the symptom; it is also called as baggy eyes.

Preoperative Procedure in Blepharoplasty Surgery

One must take all the required information about procedure. Also, complete the required investigation including blood tests, 2D Echo and physician's fitness certificate in case of elderly person.


  1. Anesthesia – The surgeon will use local or general anesthesia depending upon the patient’s condition.
  2. Incision - In Blepharoplasty surgery, cuts are taken in such a way that they get concealed in natural creases of eye. These cuts do not leave suture marks.
  3. For upper eyelid - An incision is taken along the natural crease of upper eyelid. It helps in ensuring removal of deposited fats, tightening of eye muscles, repositioning of eyelid and removal of excess skin.
  4. For lower eyelid - A cut is taken along the lower eyelid near lower lash line. Repositioning and removal of excess fat and skin can be achieved.

Another technique of an incision is transconjunctival incision, in which a cut is given inside the lower eyelid and redistribution and removal of excess fat can be done without removing skin.

Suturing - Eyelid incision are closed with very fine suture material or skin glue.

Hospital stay - This eye surgery is an outpatient procedure or sometimes depending upon patient's condition surgeon may ask for hospitalization for 1 or 2 days.

Postoperative Care for Blepharoplasty Surgery

The sutures are removed within a week. The patient may experience mild swelling and pain, which will gradually disappear with the help of medicines, as prescribed by surgeon.

Post Discharge Care Tips

  1. The surgeon may give mild course of antibiotics.
  2. Elevation of head with the help of pillow is suggested for relief.
  3. Use ice packs at surgical site.
  4. Restrict daily activity, walking is advisable but activities like reading, watching TV are not recommended.

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