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Varicose Veins are bulging, enlarged and twisted, bluish or purplish veins which are most commonly seen on legs and feet. Most patients suffering from this condition tend to seek medical advice not only due to pain or discomfort but also due to its bizarre sight which negatively affects the overall appearance.
In our body, deoxygenated blood (non-purified) is pumped to the heart through a network of tube-like structures known as Veins. The heart purifies this blood by oxygen and pumps it all over the body, through what we call arteries. In order to maintain this blood flow in one direction, there are valves, located inside veins. People, affected by Varicose Veins or bulging veins on legs usually have weakened or less flexible walls, resulting in weaker valves that leads to pooling of blood inside and bulky, swollen veins filled with non-purified blood.
Although this condition can affect any vein of our body, the ones in legs and feet are the most affected, due to gravity which worsen this blood accumulation in the lower body. In some people varicose veins can be seen significantly only on one leg which is then known as unilateral varicose veins whereas the ones affecting both sides are known as bilateral varicose veins.
There are some of the risk factors which can be avoided for varicose vein prevention.
Sclerotherapy is a highly successful and cost-effective treatment. This is carried out by injecting a solution into your veins which irritates the blood vessel lining causing the vein to swell and stick together; this will eventually turn in to a scar and fade. Sclerotherapy cost usually varies from $500-$600.
However, all these options depend on how severe your condition is and the preference of your surgeon. You can now visit best hospitals across the world for the most advanced varicose vein treatment options and high end professional health care service, which can be for highly affordable rates.