Introduction to Cervical Cancer
Cervix is a part of the lower uterus which opens in the vagina. It is also considered as the neck of the womb. In cervical cancer,the abnormal cells start multiplying and growing out of control inside the cervix.

Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor
Ovarian germ cell tumor is a type of ovarian cancer where the tumor (growth) arises from the reproductive cells (eggs) of the ovary.Ovaries (singular ovary) are a pair of female reproductive organs that produce ova (eggs), which when fertilized by sperm cell forms a zygote (that develops into a fetus in the womb baby).

Ovarian Sex Cord Stromal Tumor
Sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary arise from the sex cords or the stromal cells and account for 5 to 12% of ovarian tumors.Stromal cells are present around the eggs (ova) in the ovaries (Stroma surrounding supportive tissue).

Breast Cancer Overview
As per WHO, these are a few breast cancer facts/statistics of breast cancer:Breast cancer is the topmost cause of death in women in the developed as well as the developing countries.